Risis: Refreshing a Beloved 46 Year Old Singaporean Brand

Risis: Refreshing a Beloved 46 Year Old Singaporean Brand

RISIS has been well-known for its gold plated orchid jewellery and was positioned as a premium gifting company targeted mainly at tourists visiting Singapore. 

Reinvigorating this brand included targeting new audiences and elevating RISIS as a fashionable brand that offers affordable luxury. Besides creating new collections, RISIS collaborated with four top local fashion designers, LAICHAN, Stolen, Triologie and Ling Wu to create jewellery that are reflective of these fashion labels whilst retaining RISIS’s heritage of gold plated orchid jewellery. 

Additionally, new beautiful packaging was created according to a refreshed colour palette, their e-commerce website updated and relaunched, and the new brand experience was unveiled at a celebratory launch party and fashion shows.

Autem dicant cum ex, ei vis nibh solum simul, veritus fierent fastidii quo ea.
Cu solum scripta pro. Qui in clita everti
movet delectus.